From README.txt RSBench is mini-app to represent the multipole resonance representation lookup cross section algorithm for Monte Carlo neutron transport. Problem Size Discussion From README.txt Problem size should be scaled using the -p <particles> parameter. The default is set to 300,000, but full application runs may use up to several billion particles per generation. Analysis […]
Author: [email protected]
From README PENNANT is an unstructured mesh physics mini-app designed for advanced architecture research. It contains mesh data structures and a few physics algorithms adapted from the LANL rad-hydro code FLAG, and gives a sample of the typical memory access patterns of FLAG. Problem Size Discussion From README.apex The APEX RFP defines problem sizes to […]
From miniXyce is a simple linear circuit simulator with a basic parser that performs transient analysis on any circuit with resistors (R), inductors (L), capacitors (C), and voltage/current sources. The parser incorporated into this version of miniXyce is a single pass parser, where the netlist is expected to be flat (no hierarchy via subcircuits […]
From NuT simulates neutrino transport. Currently, it runs in 1D, spherical and 3D Cartesian geometries (the mesh geometry and topology is carefully encapsulated, so adding another mesh requires a few hundred lines of interface implementation). Particles events are tallied in the lab frame, while scattering events (cross sections) are calculated in the co-moving frame. […]
From MiniTri is a proxy for a class of triangle based data analytics (Mantevo). This simple code is a self-contained piece of C++ software that uses triangle enumeration with a calculation of specific vertex and edge properties. Key uses related to miniTri include dense subgraph detection, characterizing graphs, improving community detection, and generating graphs. […]
From README: PathFinder searches for “signatures” within graphs. Graphs being searched are directed and cyclic. Many, but not all nodes within the graph have labels. Any given node may have more than one label, and any label may be applied to more than one node. A signature is an orderd list of labels. PathFinder searches […]
From README.txt: This program emulates the inversion of A in A*x=S on a single node arch. This operation was identified as the bulk of the flop work and the largest memory issue for deterministic neutronics This mini-app has three solution modes: The AVE-1 scheme refers to the standard matrix-free matrix-vector applications where gaussian integration is […]
From aspa.pdf The purpose of ASPA (Adaptive Sampling Proxy Application) is to enable the evaluation of a technique known as adaptive sampling on advanced computer architectures. Adaptive sampling is of interest in simulations involving multiple physical scales, wherein models of individual scales are combined using some form of scale bridging. Adaptive sampling [Barton2008,Knap2008] attempts to […]
From docs/XSBench_Theory: The XSBench proxy app models the most computationally intensive part of a typical MC transport algorithm – the calculation of macroscopic neutron cross sections – a kernel which accounts for around 85% of the total runtime of OpenMC. The essential computational conditions and tasks of fully featured MC neutron transport codes are retained […]
From SNAP serves as a proxy application to model the performance of a modern discrete ordinates neutral particle transport application. SNAP may be considered an update to Sweep3D, intended for hybrid computing architectures. It is modeled off the Los Alamos National Laboratory code PARTISN. PARTISN solves the linear Boltzmann transport equation (TE), a governing […]