PENNANT is an unstructured mesh physics mini-app designed for advanced architecture research. It contains mesh data structures and a few physics algorithms adapted from the LANL rad-hydro code FLAG, and gives a sample of the typical memory access patterns of FLAG.

Problem Size Discussion

From README.apex

The APEX RFP defines problem sizes to be used in benchmarking. The PENNANT test problems corresponding to this definition are:

  • “Small” problem: leblancbig
  • “Medium” problem: leblancx4
  • “Large” problem: leblancx16
  • “Grand” problem: leblancx64

In addition, the nohpoly problem will be used for verifying that the baseline code functionality has been preserved (see below). Note for reference that nohpoly would also be considered a “small” problem by the RFP definition.


Build and Run Information

Compiler = 'clang 5.0.1'
Build_Flags = '-g -O3 -march=native -fopenmp'
Run_Flags = '../test/leblancbig/leblancbig.pnt'


tstop   6.0
meshtype rect
meshparams 160 1440 1.0 9.0
subregion 0.0 1.0  3.0 9.0
rinit   1.0
einit   0.1
rinitsub 1.0e-3
einitsub 1.0e-7
bcx     0.0 1.0
bcy     0.0 9.0
ssmin   0.1
q1      0.3
q2      2.0
dtinit  1.e-3
dtreport 100
chunksize 512


Program Aggregate

Threads (Time)
Inst/Cycle per Core
L1 DC Miss %
L2 DC Miss %
L3 Miss %
L1 Loads/Cycle per Core
L2 B/W Used
L3 B/W Used
1 (100.0%) 1.4 5.5% 17.5% 26.4% 0.76 16.2% 3.8% 2.1%
72 (100.0%) 0.8 4.9% 25.6% 18.1% 0.36 14.0% 5.0% 8.5%

QCS::setCornerDiv( )

Threads (Time)
Inst/Cycle per Core
L1 DC Miss %
L2 DC Miss %
L3 Miss %
L1 Loads/Cycle per Core
L2 B/W Used
L3 B/W Used
1 (34.2%) 1.5 2.3% 14.2% 1.2% 0.68 6.0% 1.1% 0.0%
72 (13.4%) 1.5 2.6% 25.1% 2.5% 0.62 13.0% 4.5% 1.1%
 87 // Routine number [2]  in the full algorithm
 88 //     [2.1] Find the corner divergence
 89 //     [2.2] Compute the cos angle for c
 90 //     [2.3] Find the evolution factor c0evol(c)
 91 //           and the Delta u(c) = du(c)
 92 void QCS::setCornerDiv(
 93             double* c0area,
 94             double* c0div,
 95             double* c0evol,
 96             double* c0du,
 97             double* c0cos,
 98             const int sfirst,
 99             const int slast) {
101     const Mesh* mesh = hydro->mesh;
102     const int nums = mesh->nums;
103     const int numz = mesh->numz;
105     const double2* pu = hydro->pu;
106     const double2* px = mesh->pxp;
107     const double2* ex = mesh->exp;
108     const double2* zx = mesh->zxp;
109     const double* elen = mesh->elen;
110     const int* znump = mesh->znump;
112     int cfirst = sfirst;
113     int clast = slast;
114     int zfirst = mesh->mapsz[sfirst];
115     int zlast = (slast < nums ? mesh->mapsz[slast] : numz);
117     double2* z0uc = Memory::alloc<double2>(zlast - zfirst);
118     double2 up0, up1, up2, up3;
119     double2 xp0, xp1, xp2, xp3;
121     // [1] Compute a zone-centered velocity
122     fill(&z0uc[0], &z0uc[zlast-zfirst], double2(0., 0.));
123     for (int c = cfirst; c < clast; ++c) {
124         int p = mesh->mapsp1[c];
125         int z = mesh->mapsz[c];
126         int z0 = z - zfirst;
127         z0uc[z0] += pu[p];
128     }
130     for (int z = zfirst; z < zlast; ++z) {
131         int z0 = z - zfirst;
132         z0uc[z0] /= (double) znump[z];
133     }
135     // [2] Divergence at the corner
136     #pragma ivdep
137     for (int c = cfirst; c < clast; ++c) {
138         int s2 = c;
139         int s = mesh->mapss3[s2];
140         // Associated zone, corner, point
141         int z = mesh->mapsz[s];
142         int z0 = z - zfirst;
143         int c0 = c - cfirst;
144         int p = mesh->mapsp2[s];
145         // Points
146         int p1 = mesh->mapsp1[s];
147         int p2 = mesh->mapsp2[s2];
148         // Edges
149         int e1 = mesh->mapse[s];
150         int e2 = mesh->mapse[s2];
152         // Velocities and positions
153         // 0 = point p
154         up0 = pu[p];
155         xp0 = px[p];
156         // 1 = edge e2
157         up1 = 0.5 * (pu[p] + pu[p2]);
158         xp1 = ex[e2];
159         // 2 = zone center z
160         up2 = z0uc[z0];
161         xp2 = zx[z];
162         // 3 = edge e1
163         up3 = 0.5 * (pu[p1] + pu[p]);
164         xp3 = ex[e1];
166         // compute 2d cartesian volume of corner
167         double cvolume = 0.5 * cross(xp2 - xp0, xp3 - xp1);
168         c0area[c0] = cvolume;
170         // compute cosine angle
171         double2 v1 = xp3 - xp0;
172         double2 v2 = xp1 - xp0;
173         double de1 = elen[e1];
174         double de2 = elen[e2];
175         double minelen = min(de1, de2);
176         c0cos[c0] = ((minelen < 1.e-12) ?
177                 0. :
178                 4. * dot(v1, v2) / (de1 * de2));
180         // compute divergence of corner
181         c0div[c0] = (cross(up2 - up0, xp3 - xp1) -
182                 cross(up3 - up1, xp2 - xp0)) /
183                 (2.0 * cvolume);
185         // compute evolution factor
186         double2 dxx1 = 0.5 * (xp1 + xp2 - xp0 - xp3);
187         double2 dxx2 = 0.5 * (xp2 + xp3 - xp0 - xp1);
188         double dx1 = length(dxx1);
189         double dx2 = length(dxx2);
191         // average corner-centered velocity
192         double2 duav = 0.25 * (up0 + up1 + up2 + up3);
194         double test1 = abs(dot(dxx1, duav) * dx2);
195         double test2 = abs(dot(dxx2, duav) * dx1);
196         double num = (test1 > test2 ? dx1 : dx2);
197         double den = (test1 > test2 ? dx2 : dx1);
198         double r = num / den;
199         double evol = sqrt(4.0 * cvolume * r);
200         evol = min(evol, 2.0 * minelen);
202         // compute delta velocity
203         double dv1 = length2(up1 + up2 - up0 - up3);
204         double dv2 = length2(up2 + up3 - up0 - up1);
205         double du = sqrt(max(dv1, dv2));
207         c0evol[c0] = (c0div[c0] < 0.0 ? evol : 0.);
208         c0du[c0]   = (c0div[c0] < 0.0 ? du   : 0.);
209     }  // for s
211     Memory::free(z0uc);
212 }

QCS::setQCnForce( )

Threads (Time)
Inst/Cycle per Core
L1 DC Miss %
L2 DC Miss %
L3 Miss %
L1 Loads/Cycle per Core
L2 B/W Used
L3 B/W Used
1 (11.6%) 1.0 5.7% 13.9% 0.0% 0.71 14.3% 2.7% 0.0%
72 (4.4%) 1.1 6.3% 24.8% 0.6% 0.66 31.1% 10.7% 0.7%
216 void QCS::setQCnForce(
217         const double* c0div,
218         const double* c0du,
219         const double* c0evol,
220         double2* c0qe,
221         const int sfirst,
222         const int slast) {
224     const Mesh* mesh = hydro->mesh;
226     const double2* pu = hydro->pu;
227     const double* zrp = hydro->zrp;
228     const double* zss = hydro->zss;
229     const double* elen = mesh->elen;
231     int cfirst = sfirst;
232     int clast = slast;
234     double* c0rmu = Memory::alloc<double>(clast - cfirst);
236     const double gammap1 = qgamma + 1.0;
238     // [4.1] Compute the c0rmu (real Kurapatenko viscous scalar)
239   //  #pragma ivdep
240     for (int c = cfirst; c < clast; ++c) {
241         int c0 = c - cfirst;
242         int z = mesh->mapsz[c];
244         // Kurapatenko form of the viscosity
245         double ztmp2 = q2 * 0.25 * gammap1 * c0du[c0];
246         double ztmp1 = q1 * zss[z];
247         double zkur = ztmp2 + sqrt(ztmp2 * ztmp2 + ztmp1 * ztmp1);
248         // Compute c0rmu for each corner
249         double rmu = zkur * zrp[z] * c0evol[c0];
250         c0rmu[c0] = ((c0div[c0] > 0.0) ? 0. : rmu);
252     } // for c
254     // [4.2] Compute the c0qe for each corner
255     //#pragma ivdep
256     for (int c = cfirst; c < clast; ++c) {
257         int s4 = c;
258         int s = mesh->mapss3[s4];
259         int c0 = c - cfirst;
260         int p = mesh->mapsp2[s];
261         // Associated point and edge 1
262         int p1 = mesh->mapsp1[s];
263         int e1 = mesh->mapse[s];
264         // Associated point and edge 2
265         int p2 = mesh->mapsp2[s4];
266         int e2 = mesh->mapse[s4];
268         // Compute: c0qe(1,2,3)=edge 1, y component (2nd), 3rd corner
269         //          c0qe(2,1,3)=edge 2, x component (1st)
270         c0qe[2 * c0]     = c0rmu[c0] * (pu[p] - pu[p1]) / elen[e1];
271         c0qe[2 * c0 + 1] = c0rmu[c0] * (pu[p2] - pu[p]) / elen[e2];
273     } // for s
275     Memory::free(c0rmu);
276 }

Mesh::calcCtrs( )

Threads (Time)
Inst/Cycle per Core
L1 DC Miss %
L2 DC Miss %
L3 Miss %
L1 Loads/Cycle per Core
L2 B/W Used
L3 B/W Used
1 (6.1%) 1.2 7.9% 21.2% 24.7% 0.84 25.8% 7.3% 3.8%
72 (7.9%) 0.44 7.6% 26.1% 31.9% 0.23 14.7% 5.3% 15.9%
445 void Mesh::calcCtrs(
446         const double2* px,
447         double2* ex,
448         double2* zx,
449         const int sfirst,
450         const int slast) {
452     int zfirst = mapsz[sfirst];
453     int zlast = (slast < nums ? mapsz[slast] : numz);
454     fill(&zx[zfirst], &zx[zlast], double2(0., 0.));
456     for (int s = sfirst; s < slast; ++s) {
457         int p1 = mapsp1[s];
458         int p2 = mapsp2[s];
459         int e = mapse[s];
460         int z = mapsz[s];
461         ex[e] = 0.5 * (px[p1] + px[p2]);
462         zx[z] += px[p1];
463     }
465     for (int z = zfirst; z < zlast; ++z) {
466         zx[z] /= (double) znump[z];
467     }
469 }

Mesh::calcVols( )

Threads (Time)
Inst/Cycle per Core
L1 DC Miss %
L2 DC Miss %
L3 Miss %
L1 Loads/Cycle per Core
L2 B/W Used
L3 B/W Used
1 (7.3%) 1.7 2.9% 21.1% 15.9% 0.82 10.6% 3.0% 1.0%
72 (7.6%) 0.84 4.9% 25.5% 14.4% 0.27 12.4% 4.4% 5.9%
472 void Mesh::calcVols(
473         const double2* px,
474         const double2* zx,
475         double* sarea,
476         double* svol,
477         double* zarea,
478         double* zvol,
479         const int sfirst,
480         const int slast) {
482     int zfirst = mapsz[sfirst];
483     int zlast = (slast < nums ? mapsz[slast] : numz);
484     fill(&zvol[zfirst], &zvol[zlast], 0.);
485     fill(&zarea[zfirst], &zarea[zlast], 0.);
487     const double third = 1. / 3.;
488     int count = 0;
489     for (int s = sfirst; s < slast; ++s) {
490         int p1 = mapsp1[s];
491         int p2 = mapsp2[s];
492         int z = mapsz[s];
494         // compute side volumes, sum to zone
495         double sa = 0.5 * cross(px[p2] - px[p1], zx[z] - px[p1]);
496         double sv = third * sa * (px[p1].x + px[p2].x + zx[z].x);
497         sarea[s] = sa;
498         svol[s] = sv;
499         zarea[z] += sa;
500         zvol[z] += sv;
502         // check for negative side volumes
503         if (sv <= 0.) count += 1;
505     } // for s
507     if (count > 0) {
508         #pragma omp atomic
509         numsbad += count;
510     }
512 }