CoMD is a reference implementation of typical classical molecular dynamics algorithms and workloads. It is created and maintained by ExMatEx: Exascale Co-Design Center for Materials in Extreme Environments ( The code is intended to serve as a vehicle for co-design by allowing others to extend and/or reimplement it as needed to test performance of new architectures, programming models, etc.
Compiler = icc (ICC) 18.0.1 20171018
Build_Flags = -std=c99 -g -O3 -march=native -qopenmp -DDOUBLE
Run_Parameters = -x 128 -y 128 -z 50

Performance Improvement
Threads |
2 |
4 |
8 |
16 |
32 |
56 |
112 |
Speed Up |
1.97X |
1.92X |
1.91X |
1.70X |
1.58X |
1.40X |
1.09X |
Hit Locations

Double Precision |
Scalar |
128B Packed |
256B Packed |
512B Packed |
Total FLOPS |
GFLOPS/sec |
1.750e+12 |
9.130e+06 |
8.810e+07 |
0.000e+00 |
1.750e+12 |
5.327e+01 |
1.843e+12 |
7.252e+06 |
7.986e+07 |
0.000e+00 |
1.843e+12 |
5.609e+01 |
Intel Software Development Emulator
Intel SDE |
CoMD |
Arithmetric Intensity |
0.177 |
FLOPS per Inst |
0.56 |
FLOPS per FP Inst |
1.0 |
Bytes per Load Inst |
7.95 |
Bytes per Store Inst |
7.89 |
@NOTE: Not Vectorized
Roofline – Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8180M CPU
112 Threads – 56 – Cores 3200.0 Mhz

UOPS Executed

@NOTE: Getting use out of OOO core pipeline
Experiment Aggregate Metrics
Threads (Time) |
IPC per Core |
Loads per Cycle |
L1 Hits per Cycle |
L1 Miss Ratio |
L2 Miss Ratio |
L3 Miss Ratio |
L2 B/W Utilized |
L3 B/W Utilized |
DRAM B/W Utilized |
1 (100.0%) |
1.46 |
1.03 |
1.02 |
0.14% |
49.35% |
80.79% |
0.50% |
2.01% |
2.17% |
56 (100.0%) |
0.85 |
0.59 |
0.58 |
0.12% |
47.65% |
82.64% |
0.26% |
2.48% |
7.13% |
112 (100.0%) |
1.07 |
0.38 |
0.37 |
0.15% |
38.68% |
76.07% |
0.43% |
3.22% |
9.09% |
145 int ljForce(SimFlat* s)
146 {
147 LjPotential* pot = (LjPotential *) s->pot;
148 real_t sigma = pot->sigma;
149 real_t epsilon = pot->epsilon;
150 real_t rCut = pot->cutoff;
151 real_t rCut2 = rCut*rCut;
153 // zero forces and energy
154 real_t ePot = 0.0;
155 s->ePotential = 0.0;
156 int fSize = s->boxes->nTotalBoxes*MAXATOMS;
157 #pragma omp parallel for
158 for (int ii=0; ii<fSize; ++ii)
159 {
160 zeroReal3(s->atoms->f[ii]);
161 s->atoms->U[ii] = 0.;
162 }
164 real_t s6 = sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma;
166 real_t rCut6 = s6 / (rCut2*rCut2*rCut2);
167 real_t eShift = POT_SHIFT * rCut6 * (rCut6 - 1.0);
169 int nNbrBoxes = 27;
Threads (Time) |
IPC per Core |
Loads per Cycle |
L1 Hits per Cycle |
L1 Miss Ratio |
L2 Miss Ratio |
L3 Miss Ratio |
L2 B/W Utilized |
L3 B/W Utilized |
DRAM B/W Utilized |
1 (95.4%) |
1.47 |
1.04 |
1.04 |
0.08% |
34.51% |
47.56% |
0.30% |
0.82% |
0.87% |
56 (58.3%) |
1.20 |
0.84 |
0.84 |
0.07% |
33.20% |
66.07% |
0.21% |
1.38% |
4.06% |
112 (49.0%) |
1.64 |
0.58 |
0.58 |
0.11% |
34.28% |
57.56% |
0.44% |
2.94% |
8.06% |
171 // loop over local boxes
172 #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:ePot)
173 for (int iBox=0; iBoxboxes->nLocalBoxes; iBox++)
174 {
175 int nIBox = s->boxes->nAtoms[iBox];
177 // loop over neighbors of iBox
178 for (int jTmp=0; jTmp<nNbrBoxes; jTmp++)
179 {
180 int jBox = s->boxes->nbrBoxes[iBox][jTmp];
182 assert(jBox>=0);
184 int nJBox = s->boxes->nAtoms[jBox];
186 // loop over atoms in iBox
187 for (int iOff=MAXATOMS*iBox; iOff<(iBox*MAXATOMS+nIBox); iOff++)
188 {
190 // loop over atoms in jBox
191 for (int jOff=jBox*MAXATOMS; jOff<(jBox*MAXATOMS+nJBox); jOff++)
192 {
193 real3 dr;
194 real_t r2 = 0.0;
195 for (int m=0; m<3; m++)
196 {
197 dr[m] = s->atoms->r[iOff][m]-s->atoms->r[jOff][m];
198 r2+=dr[m]*dr[m];
199 }
201 if ( r2 <= rCut2 && r2 > 0.0)
202 {
204 // Important note:
205 // from this point on r actually refers to 1.0/r
206 r2 = 1.0/r2;
207 real_t r6 = s6 * (r2*r2*r2);
208 real_t eLocal = r6 * (r6 - 1.0) - eShift;
209 s->atoms->U[iOff] += 0.5*eLocal;
210 ePot += 0.5*eLocal;
212 // different formulation to avoid sqrt computation
213 real_t fr = - 4.0*epsilon*r6*r2*(12.0*r6 - 6.0);
214 for (int m=0; m<3; m++)
215 {
216 s->atoms->f[iOff][m] -= dr[m]*fr;
217 }
218 }
219 } // loop over atoms in jBox
220 } // loop over atoms in iBox
221 } // loop over neighbor boxes
222 } // loop over local boxes in system
224 ePot = ePot*4.0*epsilon;
225 s->ePotential = ePot;
227 return 0;
228 }