
From README.txt

RSBench is mini-app to represent the multipole resonance representation lookup cross section algorithm for Monte Carlo neutron transport.

Problem Size Discussion

From README.txt

Problem size should be scaled using the -p <particles> parameter. The default is set to 300,000, but full application runs may use up to several billion particles per generation.


RSBench was compute bound on the Skylake machine that this analysis was run on and spent 27.1% of its time in libm.

Build and Run Information

Compiler = icc (ICC) 18.0.1 20171018
Build_Flags = -std=gnu99 -g -O3 -qopenmp -march=skylake-avx512 \
              -mtune=skylake-avx512 -ansi-alias -no-prec-div
Run_Parameters = -p 1000000 -t <# of Threads>


Performance Improvement

Speed Up 1.38X 1.99X 2.01X 1.99X 2.06X 1.74X 1.99X

Hit Locations


Double Precision
128B Packed
256B Packed
512B Packed
PMU 5.090e+11 1.970e+12 1.780e+11 0.000e+00 5.161e+12 2.157e+02
SDE 2.898e+11 1.004e+12 8.096e+10 0.000e+00 2.621e+12 1.095e+02

Intel Software Development Emulator

Intel SDE
Arithmetric Intensity 0.175
FLOPS per Inst 0.83
FLOPS per FP Inst 1.91
Bytes per Load Inst 12.1
Bytes per Store Inst 13.0

Roofline – Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8180M CPU

112 Threads – 56 – Cores 3200.0 Mhz

UOPS Executed

Memory Footprint

Maximum Resident Set Size
1 Thread 44.89 MB
56 Thread 188.18 MB
112 Thread 196.52 MB

Experiment Aggregate Metrics

Threads (Time)
IPC per Core
Loads per Cycle
L1 Hits per Cycle
L1 Miss Ratio
L2 Miss Ratio
L3 Miss Ratio
L2 B/W Utilized
L3 B/W Utilized
DRAM B/W Utilized
1 (100.0%) 1.39 0.85 0.80 1.17% 60.00% 0.55% 2.35% 8.71% 9.69%
56 (100.0%) 1.95 0.60 0.57 1.59% 52.25% 0.14% 3.20% 15.69% 79.85%
112 (100.0%) 1.93 0.60 0.57 1.59% 52.05% 0.32% 3.17% 15.54% 77.54%


Threads (Time)
IPC per Core
Loads per Cycle
L1 Hits per Cycle
L1 Miss Ratio
L2 Miss Ratio
L3 Miss Ratio
L2 B/W Utilized
L3 B/W Utilized
DRAM B/W Utilized
1 (98.5%) 1.39 0.85 0.79 1.18% 60.59% 0.55% 2.35% 8.63% 9.56%
56 (96.0%) 1.94 0.59 0.56 1.65% 52.55% 0.14% 3.22% 15.41% 78.73%
112 (96.9%) 1.92 0.58 0.55 1.66% 52.40% 0.31% 3.16% 15.19% 76.14%
152 // Temperature Dependent Variation of Kernel
153 // (This involves using the Complex Faddeeva function to
154 // Doppler broaden the poles within the window)
155 void calculate_micro_xs_doppler( double * micro_xs, int nuc, double E, Input input,
                                     CalcDataPtrs data, complex double * sigTfactors,
                                     long * abrarov, long * alls)
156 {
157         // MicroScopic XS's to Calculate
158         double sigT;
159         double sigA;
160         double sigF;
161         double sigE;
163         // Calculate Window Index
164         double spacing = 1.0 / data.n_windows[nuc];
165         int window = (int) ( E / spacing );
166         if( window == data.n_windows[nuc] )
167                 window--;
169         // Calculate sigTfactors
170         calculate_sig_T(nuc, E, input, data, sigTfactors );
172         // Calculate contributions from window "background" 
            // (i.e., poles outside window (pre-calculated)
173         Window w =[nuc][window];
174         sigT = E * w.T;
175         sigA = E * w.A;
176         sigF = E * w.F;
178         double dopp = 0.5;
180         // Loop over Poles within window, add contributions
181         for( int i = w.start; i < w.end; i++ )
182         {
183                 Pole pole = data.poles[nuc][i];
185                 // Prep Z
186                 double complex Z = (E - pole.MP_EA) * dopp;
187                 if( cabs(Z) < 6.0 )
188                         (*abrarov)++;
189                 (*alls)++;
191                 // Evaluate Fadeeva Function
192                 complex double faddeeva = fast_nuclear_W( Z );
194                 // Update W
195                 sigT += creal( pole.MP_RT * faddeeva * sigTfactors[pole.l_value] );
196                 sigA += creal( pole.MP_RA * faddeeva);
197                 sigF += creal( pole.MP_RF * faddeeva);
198         }
200         sigE = sigT - sigA;
202         micro_xs[0] = sigT;
203         micro_xs[1] = sigA;
204         micro_xs[2] = sigF;
205         micro_xs[3] = sigE;
206 }

[I] calculate_sig_T

Threads (Time)
IPC per Core
Loads per Cycle
L1 Hits per Cycle
L1 Miss Ratio
L2 Miss Ratio
L3 Miss Ratio
L2 B/W Utilized
L3 B/W Utilized
DRAM B/W Utilized
1 (36.0%) 1.42 0.67 0.66 0.84% 25.33% 0.17% 0.90% 1.36% 0.89%
56 (31.3%) 2.05 0.49 0.48 1.18% 32.79% 1.99% 2.21% 7.02% 42.16%
112 (31.7%) 2.04 0.49 0.48 1.19% 32.46% 4.54% 2.14% 7.00% 40.31%
208 void calculate_sig_T( int nuc, double E, Input input, CalcDataPtrs data,
                          complex double * sigTfactors )
209 {
210         double phi;
212         for( int i = 0; i < input.numL; i++ )
213         {
214                 phi = data.pseudo_K0RS[nuc][i] * sqrt(E);
216                 if( i == 1 )
217                         phi -= - atan( phi );
218                 else if( i == 2 )
219                         phi -= atan( 3.0 * phi / (3.0 - phi*phi));
220                 else if( i == 3 )
221                         phi -= atan(phi*(15.0-phi*phi)/(15.0-6.0*phi*phi));
223                 phi *= 2.0;
225                 sigTfactors[i] = cos(phi) - sin(phi) * _Complex_I;
226         }
227 }

Time Spent in Math Functions

% Time
__libm_sse2_sincos 15.1 %
__libm_atan_l9 8.0 %
__svml_sincos4_z0 3.8 %

[I] fast_nuclear_W

Threads (Time)
IPC per Core
Loads per Cycle
L1 Hits per Cycle
L1 Miss Ratio
L2 Miss Ratio
L3 Miss Ratio
L2 B/W Utilized
L3 B/W Utilized
DRAM B/W Utilized
1 (18.3%) 1.34 1.03 0.93 1.05% 68.17% 0.18% 3.04% 10.73% 15.28%
56 (16.6%) 1.85 0.53 0.48 1.75% 63.70% 0.07% 3.70% 17.91% 90.18%
112 (16.8%) 1.84 0.54 0.49 1.73% 63.39% 0.16% 3.60% 17.25% 86.14%
  3 // This function uses a combination of the Abrarov Approximation
  4 // and the QUICK_W three term asymptotic expansion.
  5 // Only expected to use Abrarov ~0.5% of the time.
  6 double complex fast_nuclear_W( double complex Z )
  7 {
  8         // Abrarov 
  9         if( cabs(Z) < 6.0 )
 10         {
 11                 // Precomputed parts for speeding things up
 12                 // (N = 10, Tm = 12.0)
 13                 double complex prefactor = 8.124330e+01 * I;
 14                 double an[10] = {
 15                         2.758402e-01,
 16                         2.245740e-01,
 17                         1.594149e-01,
 18                         9.866577e-02,
 19                         5.324414e-02,
 20                         2.505215e-02,
 21                         1.027747e-02,
 22                         3.676164e-03,
 23                         1.146494e-03,
 24                         3.117570e-04
 25                 };
 26                 double neg_1n[10] = {
 27                         -1.0,
 28                         1.0,
 29                         -1.0,
 30                         1.0,
 31                         -1.0,
 32                         1.0,
 33                         -1.0,
 34                         1.0,
 35                         -1.0,
 36                         1.0
 37                 };
 39                 double denominator_left[10] = {
 40                         9.869604e+00,
 41                         3.947842e+01,
 42                         8.882644e+01,
 43                         1.579137e+02,
 44                         2.467401e+02,
 45                         3.553058e+02,
 46                         4.836106e+02,
 47                         6.316547e+02,
 48                         7.994380e+02,
 49                         9.869604e+02
 50                 };
 52                 double complex W = I * ( 1 - fast_cexp(I*12.*Z) ) / (12. * Z );
 53                 double complex sum = 0;
 54                 for( int n = 0; n < 10; n++ )
 55                 {
 56                         complex double top = neg_1n[n] * fast_cexp(I*12.*Z) - 1.;
 57                         complex double bot = denominator_left[n] - 144.*Z*Z;
 58                         sum += an[n] * (top/bot);
 59                 }
 60                 W += prefactor * Z  * sum;
 61                 return W;
 62         }
 64         // QUICK_2 3 Term Asymptotic Expansion (Accurate to O(1e-6)).
 65         // Pre-computed parameters
 66         double a = 0.512424224754768462984202823134979415014943561548661637413182;
 67         double b = 0.275255128608410950901357962647054304017026259671664935783653;
 68         double c = 0.051765358792987823963876628425793170829107067780337219430904;
 69         double d = 2.724744871391589049098642037352945695982973740328335064216346;
 71         // Three Term Asymptotic Expansion
 72         double complex W = I * Z * (a/(Z*Z - b) + c/(Z*Z - d));
 74         return W;
 75 }